When you’re behind the wheel, your safe actions affect everyone. We’ve compiled a wide variety of tools and tips to keep you and others safe when driving and transporting recycled materials.

Buckle Up

Making sure you buckle up before turning on your vehicle should always be top of mind. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA’s) I Buckle Up campaign supports and protects large truck and bus drivers, and vehicle occupants, by reminding drivers always to buckle up. In 2020, of large truck-related crashes, nearly 5,000 people died and more than 146,000 were injured. Nearly 14% of all commercial motor vehicle drivers do not wear a seat belt according to a survey conducted by FMCSA in 2016. Use the resources from the campaign website to keep yourself and your team safe.

Distracted Driving

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Distracted driving-related crashes continue to rise on America’s roadways. Warmer months typically lead to more road travel. FMCSA is reminding drivers to stay focused on our roads and provides a wealth of resources on their website.

Driving Through Highway Work Zones

In 2020, 857 people were killed in 774 fatal work zone crashes. That’s why this year’s National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW), taking place April 17-21, highlights the deadly dangers of inattention at highway work areas. The goal is to encourage drivers to slow down and stay focused while approaching and passing through a roadway work zone. NWZAW’s theme this year is “You play a role in work zone safety. Work with us.”

Safety Tips for Staying Focused While Driving

Driving distracted can lead to serious injury or even death. Before getting behind the wheel, prioritize safety by:

  • Taking phone calls hands-free, and never texting while driving.
  • Pulling over to a safe location for a break if you need to eat or drink.
  • Reviewing your route and setting your navigation before driving.
  • Getting adequate sleep before leaving for your destination.

For more tips, visit the FMCSA website.

Arnulfo Moreno

Arnulfo Moreno

Arnulfo Moreno is a Communications Manager at ReMA. He is fascinated by the innovation and sustainability found in the recycling industry. He graduated from The Catholic University of America where he majored in Media Studies and minored in Spanish. He lives in Chevy Chase, Maryland with his collection of short stories he hopes to one day finish writing.