ISRI’s Education and Training Committee meeting kicked off its Monday, March 21, meeting in Las Vegas by acknowledging one of the winners of the ISRI-JASON Learning Youth Poster and Video Contest. Fifth grader Ani Nishanian and her partner Namira Meghla of Willow Springs Elementary School in Fairfax County, Va., were behind this year’s winning video entry. Nishanian and her family were in attendance for the meeting, with young Ani receiving a round of applause for her amazing video. “I’m really excited for the convention tomorrow and I hope to see you all there,” she told the audience.

Peter Van Houten, general manager of Bob’s Metals Inc., discussed the ISRI-JASON Learning partnership, and informed the room of a new sponsorship opportunity where businesses could tie themselves to a local school by sponsoring a teacher, an activity or an entire science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) program.

Rebecca Turner, ISRI’s vice president of education and events, covered some ISRI2022 numbers. As of the beginning of the meeting, there were more than 4,700 registered attendees, 293 exhibitors; 33 educational sessions—including seven spotlights—and 104 volunteer moderators and speakers. Turner noted that information on speakers and sessions is available on the ISRI CONNECT app.

Committee Co-chair Nidhi Turakhia of Allied Alloys provided an update on the upcoming Shredder Forum tentatively planned for November 14-15 in Salt Lake City. Metro Group Inc. will serve as the host.

Kathy Fraser, co-founder and CEO of Scrap University, gave an overview of their offerings. ISRI partnered with the International Scrap Academy to aid in providing the recycling industry with highly vetted and on-demand educational resources. The partnership began in 2021 with an initial offering of Scrap University’s Certified Scrap Metal Professional presented with ISRI.

ScrapU has over 235 years of recycled materials knowledge and experience going into the creation of its courses. By collaborating with experienced industry professionals, ISRI, and other recycling organizations, ScrapU creates and hosts online courses and certifications for companies and/or individuals interested in expanding their knowledge base in the recycled materials industry. ISRI members gain access to this knowledge base at a significant discount. More information can be found here.